Sunday, January 8, 2012

Geronimo Aguilar: On His Own -


  1. I felt like I was there with you. Makes me want to check this place out next time I come down to visit. I told you God would take You in a new direction. And I guess he did...lets see what he has in store for you. I'm so proud of you for listening to your heart and for your ministry. I love you. I'm your biggest fan.


  2. You SERIOUSLY have NO idea just HOW MUCH that means to me right now as you know, in a season of much confusion and trying to figure out what's the "right" thing to do, in a very "gone wrong" situation! Thanks for all your support and btw...I totally told Harry, "I think Dad would LOVE this church!" You could be on the biker's ministry w/your Harley!! :) Oh boy, I can see ya now!! :) Love you! :)

  3. Oh, ps...wierd how you told me, "Follow your brother's blog. I think it may give you some direction in taking your ministry in a different direction..." and I feel like The Roc is VERY similar to what Jimmy's doing! :) In fact, I can see him having a bus ministry one day! Your prophetic words about working w/what I know alot about - abuse victims, huh? You know me...I've been thinking about it, analyzing it, running it through that over-active mind of mine...hmmm...we'll see what God has in store.... :)
