Thursday, October 21, 2010

Preparing To Launch

During a personal devotion time 5-6 years ago and in the midst of a storm in my life, a phrase came to mind. If you're like me, I'm sure phrases and thoughts come to mind every moment of each day, however this was profound and applicable to what I was going through during that difficult time in my life. Even more profound was that this particular phrase never seemed to leave my mind. It almost became not only a phrase that came to mind one day, but a burden that was impressed upon my heart.

Weeks passed and this burden impressed on my heart, faithfully remained and I did what I always did during that season of life. I consulted with a dear friend who had been devinely ordained and placed in my life during a season that I needed not only a friend but also a spiritual mentor. This friend knew and was walking very closely with me through the trial I was going through. When I talked with her about this "phrase," this impression on my heart, she very quickly and knowingly made a statement that has stuck with me to this very moment in time. She said, "Oh, that is the title of your future book!"

That was 5-6 years ago and I'm disappointed in myself to admit that it is still just an overwhelming impression and burden on my heart that I have been placing on the back burner in life as I fill my schedule with life. A busy, homeschooling, stay-at-home mother, always with a growing to do list, the days and schedule of "to do's" never seemed to allow for WRITING A BOOK!! I mean, who really wants to sign up for that job?! I was the girl overwhelmed in high school and college by writing a research or term paper. Did God realize that writing a book would be no easy task? That it would require a certain amount of focus and committment of my life? That I was already drowning in a sea of unlimited committments everyday? He absolutely knew that He had called an ill equipped one like me and He also made it very clear that it wasn't about me. I was simply an instrument in His sovereign hand and that He will guide each and every step, big and small and He will help me if I would just obey!

That's how I arrived here. It is very clear to me that God has indeed called me to this and I believe has added other books and ministries that will branch from that initial "phrase" He quietly whispered in that still, small voice I have learned to recognize through my journey. Hence, a blog ministry and here I am! I believe God is revealing to me little nuggets of time that He is giving me to walk in obedience to what he has required me to do. I may not have hours out of my busy days caring for 4 children to devote to writing a book, however I can find little 15 minute nuggets, an excerpt here, an excerpt there, and eventually each excerpt will compile into exactly what He wants to create. So, I'm beginning small. A blog, a way to publish little nuggets hopefully each day, that I pray will minister to your lives as I share the stories that fill mine.


  1. Hi Jennifer! I'm so excited for you. Blogging is a fun on-line community of like minded people. Be sure to visit other blogs, leaving comments, to encourage them to visit your blog and leave a comment.

    You will quickly develop online friends and favorite blogs that will encourage you, as well.

    Don't feel bad that you haven't written anything yet. They say you need to wait 5 years after a trial/trauma in your life before writing about it. Sounds like God's perfect timing for you!

    Looking forward to reading future posts.

  2. Thanks Sonya! So encouraging to my heart! I never knew that about waiting 4 years after a trial/trauma in life before writing about it! Wow! That's amazing that I didn't even know that and yet isn't it at the 5 year mark of when this was impressed upon my heart that I finally make a decision to go forth. I am still very much in the thick of what has been a 10 year life changing trial, however over the last few years there have been tremendous, miraculous breakthroughs. It's helpful to keep that in mind as I condemn myself about not obeying what I feel God has called me to do with this testimony that it's ok, that I'm still very much in the healing phase of it and that he will guide me step by step because He knows what I'm ready to handle and what I still need to work through. Thanks and please feel free to continue to give me your insight! I soooo value it!!

  3. So happy for you Jenny! I look forward to reading more...

    Love & Best Wishes,


  4. Thanks Mandi! I can always count on you to support and spur me on! :) I hope my messages inspire and encourage you as a wife and mother somehow. Let me know if you have any suggestions or topics you'd like my 2 sense on! :) Love you too!
