Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Walking In Victory Pulled Chicken BBQ w/Cole Slaw & Beans!

Believe it or not, I do love to cook, watch Food Network all the time, and do cook quite a bit outside of my crock pot although the few recipes I have shared on here so far have been crock pot recipes. I will share some more challenging Walking In Victory recipes as well as kitchen, mealtime, meal planning, etc., tips to mentor the younger women and give fresh ideas and insight to the more experienced along with lots of time-saving and budget friendly things I've learned in preparing meals for my family. However, for now, this one is just so simple and yummy I just had to share it!

Yesterday, before we left for Mommy & Me group and tutoring for the day, knowing we would be home an hour before dinner needed to be prepared, I did this very simple task (actually, all I did was defrost the chicken and my 16 year old did the rest)! Yes, I have been mentoring her in the kitchen since infancy! :)

2 Ingredients, 2 Minutes Prep Time, 2 Side Dishes - DONE!! :)

Brittany placed a package of Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast in the Crock Pot, covered with a bottle of BBQ Sauce, covered and turned it on, and that was it!! We left, enjoyed the day out, and when we returned 6 hours later, we pulled the chicken apart with a fork, and continued to let it simmer while we whipped up a bag of cole slaw mix (I buy the store bought bag and mix w/1 C. Mayo, 1 T. Milk, 1 T. Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 T. Sugar, & Salt/Pepper to taste. We heated a can of baked beans and served the Pulled Chicken BBQ on a bun w/a side of slaw & beans and we were "down home" in a Mid-Atlantic kitchen! :)

Walking In Victory In Parenting - Keeping It All In Perspective

I carry a very strong & personal burden in my heart for Parents of every stage and season. Likely because I am one & because I have struggled to be "good" at it, they don't come with instructions, I am absolutely convinced that it is not only the single most important job on earth but also the most challenging & rewarding. I believe the Lord providentially allowed my family to be designed in such a way that I could minister to and encourage others based on my broad spectrum of experience with 4 children, currently ages 4-18. That covers nearly every stage of child development, Preschooler, Grade Schooler, Teenager, & Young Adult, with the exception of the infant phase, and well, I've had to pass through that stage 4 times to get to this point! :)

I by no means have arrived, I am by no means the perfect parent, I'm just like you, I have the same struggles, the same insecurities, worries, lack of experience, successes and failures. My heart for you as we journey along together down the parenting road is to share with you along the way in this ministry the training I have received, the lessons I have learned, the mistakes I have made, & that together we engage in the battle for the hearts of our children and fight the good fight of faith and have more and more moments of walking in victory in this complicated area of life rather than defeat!

I could not even begin to cover all there is to learn in the area of parenting in a lifetime, yet alone in a blog publishing for 1 day. However, what I can do is share with you experiences along the way that touch my heart in a way that I sense that another parent can be encouraged, spurred on, and ministered to.

In this particular post, the theme of my life in the parenting arena this week has been "Keep It All In Perspective." What do I mean by that? Well, let's begin with a reflection on some humor that I hope you can relate to. The problem with doing so is that for those of you who know me personally, there are just too many of those stories to possibly even begin to reflect on or share! To name just a few that come to mind off the top of my head, there are few professions like that of parenthood that cause us to drive to Michael's to purchase some craft supplies for a project, by the time you have arrived, you have completely forgotten why you have arrived there in the first place, only to eventually get to the check-out counter to pay, begin to write a check (because your husband otherwise has all the debit/credit cards & cash), and as you start filling in each line on the check you get to the line that reads, "date," and you completely draw blank. No, I'm not referring to the common practice among us of forgetting the day or worst case scenario maybe even the month. I am talking about entirely drawing blank as to what YEAR it is!! Imagine the dilemma of being in a position of needing to ask your cashier, "Excuse me ma'am, could you tell me the date?" To which she matter of factly responds, "Sure, it's the ____ (giving you the number date of the actual day)." You then break out in a cold sweat and hives and clear your throat as you try to ask in a tone that the other's in line behind you won't overhear when you ask a follow up question such as this, "Could you please tell me what YEAR it is?!" :)

As a matter of fact, as I reflect, I seem to have had many of these "Mommy Moments" throughout the course of my career as a mother! As I type in this very moment I seem to recall a similar occassion where upon standing in a post office line to mail a few items, it became necessary to ask (again in front of people that always seem to have it all together) the postal worker waiting on me, "Excuse me, ma'am, could you tell me how much a postage stamp is these days because I have a book of them here in my purse but it seems like I recently recall something being mentioned about postage going up and I'm not sure if these are outdated?!"

It's absolutely amazing to me as I reflect that any of the service people I have dealt with over the years of motherhood have patiently answered my absurd questions, but the fact that they have allowed me to walk out with my children still in tote and have not otherwise dialed 911 to report that a mentally ill and disoriented patient who does not even know what YEAR it currently is, has seemingly escaped a nearby psychiatric ward, is absolutely astonishing to me! :)

I humbly admit these rather embarrassing mishaps to you to prove to you that yes, we will one day look back in belly laughter, but more so because I KNOW you can relate! Please tell me you can at least and that I am not the only mother on planet Earth who has a reputation of putting ice cream away in the pantry rather than the freezer!

What occurred to me Monday afternoon when my 8 year old came home from school in tears and again last night during the what can usually be an hour long process of bedtime routine between my husband and I with our 8 & 4 year olds, is that we must keep it all in perspective. It amazes me that even in 2nd grade, 8 year old little girls wrestle with jealousy over one another. As my husband and I laugh at these little stories of drama that cause our 8 year old to arrive at the bus stop in tears which often (at least this week anyway) last for hours, and seem to be rehearsed in their 8 year old little minds over and over until they do exactly what we as adults do. We rehearse angers and hurts in our minds until we completely lose all control over our thought lives and become almost obsessed with the situation until we ultimately end up defeated. Anyway, that said, I guess there are 2 things on my heart for you from walking through this with her this week keeping with the theme of keeping it all in perspective.

(1) It is so important that we as parents be available to our children. There are so many negative influences in our current world writing messages on their impressionable little hearts, molding and shaping their character. We have to almost double our efforts and realign our priorities if necessary in order to ensure that WE as parents are the primary source of leaving these messages on their hearts and more so that we are writing the right messages! As I have reflected in order to know how to guide my little Belle through this situation wreaking havoc in her little spirit this week, I am soberly aware of this: What if I weren't available when she has arrived at the bus stop this week in emotional turmoil? Who and what message would be engrained in her tender little heart about how to resolve this conflict? Worse yet, what if no one or nothing was engrained in her at all as to how to resolve her hurt and anger? What would she eventually do with all of that bottled up anger? I am so thankful and count it all blessing when keeping it all in perspective that I have been available to hug her, to take her up on my lap, to dry her tears, and shelter & guide her tender little heart. For the fact of the matter, to get straight to and draw out and deal with what is going on in her heart, the wellspring of life! To us as adults as we guide our children through these little dramas and trials, it's easy to laugh and count it as trivial. But it's not trivial to them! In their little hearts and minds, little things are a very big deal, and the way I see it in any relationship, if it's a big deal to the hurt person, it's a big deal!

Oh, exhausted, overwhelmed single mom, or working mother trying to balance career and family, how I know right where you are! I have been there! I have been a single mom where it was absolutely necessary to work not only one job but several at one time as I tried to make the ends meet while attempting to balance that with role of both mother and father to my infant son. And then along came husband and child number 2, in that season, both of us working full time and attending college in our "spare time" to finish up degrees that had been "interrupted" by well, life! I recall the feelings of guilt each time you drop your precious little one off at day care for the next 10-12 hours, the feeling of never being able to get it all done, the late nights and entire weekends spent catching up on everything at home that couldn't get done while you were at work.
I will share with you my thoughts more on this in a seperate post for the sake of being focused on the point I want you to take away from this particular topic of "Keeping It All In Perspective."

As I continued to walk through this one particular issue with my 8 year old right into bedtime, exhausted with the rehearsing of this incident countless times, as I prayed with her, guided her, rubbed her back until she fell asleep, as last night we spent an hour of our lives doing the bedtime routine of stories, prayers, tucking in, only to untuck and do it all over again for one last snack or drink or trip to the potty, etc., as I finally sat down after a very long day of not being done with my work, but at least being done with it for that day at 9:00 PM, instructing the 16 year old to get off the phone and webcam with the multiple friends she has "conferenced" in, and just as the other phone rang from the 18 year old who needs continual guidance that seems to often go on deaf ears, the words that came to mind were, point #(2):

(2) Keep It All In Perspective. In reality, as I reflect on the last couple of days/nights in my life in my starring role of parent, and as I reflect on forgetting important details of life like what YEAR it is, :) I must keep perspective. Perspective that one day sooner than we think, we will laugh at our mishaps, long for the days that they would be little enough again to take an hour of our evenings to be tucked in, be grateful for the never-ending late night phone calls or talks where we seemed to repeat ourselves endlessly on deaf ears and be told we have no idea what we are talking about to one day see the fruit of our labor as the small seeds we sowed, take root in their lives, and grow into all they were created for! So parents and parents to be, keep it all in perspective, laugh a little, get outside help, mentoring, training where necessary in all of those areas where we have no idea what we are doing, keep them constantly lifted in prayer, and walk in victory to the finish line of this high calling!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Walking In Victory By Keeping Your Eyes On Him!

I'll be brief today. Partly because I am chaperoning a field trip with my daughter's 2nd grade class today and need to leave shortly. The other part is that when I woke up early this morning, discouraged because of a seemingly never-ending sea of circumstances, I recognized my need to just spend time with God. Although my circumstances have not miraculously changed up to this point, not that they couldn't at any point He so desires to or not to change anything about them, it is well with my soul. My mom told me just a few minutes ago, "Keep your eyes on Him," a message I so needed to hear today and decided that this would be my message for you today! Someone else needs to know that today! Despite your circumstances, look up, keep your eyes on Him. If you focus on your circumstances as I woke up doing just a few short hours ago, you will absolutely be defeated. What hope is there in focusing on all of the problems! Let us focus together today on the only hope we have and the solution and let's keep our focus and eyes today on Him as we engage in the battle to fight for faith and walk in victory!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Walking In Victory In Homemaking - Over Laundry!

Since I'm spending most of the day today doing LAUNDRY as I pack my 16 year old up to go on a youth retreat with our church this weekend, and since the last few days have been deep, heavy topics, I thought it would nice to talk about something light hearted and very practical for walking in victory in daily living! Laundry, laundry, laundry!! :) Laundry is one of those things that is never going away. Whether you have little ones, kids in high school or it’s just you and your husband, this task is here to stay. That makes this chore the perfect candidate for an intervention. With a family of 6, I can tell you that this seemingly uncomplicated part of daily life in homemaking and raising a family seems to be a never-ending, losing battle that sure does defeat me! How about you?! I am definitely a huge supporter of the camp that this area of homemaking is a full time position in and of itself (and may I add that the pay very literally "stinks")! :) I don't know that I will walk in victory over the battle of laundry friends, until I'm doing it for a few less kids that I'm trusting will one day be grown and battling their OWN laundry, but I have learned a few valuable lessons and tools to help me in this area and I'll share them with you.

Over the 20+ years that I have been doing laundry, I've tried many strategies & tecniques, relied upon the advice of friends who seem to have it all together, and yes, I have even gone to workshops & lifeshops in efforts to receive the "continuing education" and training necessary for growth and mastery in my career as the keeper of my home! Some have recommended having one specific laundry day, which for my family didn't not seem to give us victory. However, at a recent lifeshop affiliated with a women's ministry at our previous church, I learned a laundry strategy that for all intense purposes has given me a slight advantage over a task that was otherwise getting the best of me!

 Let's journey together to transform a dreaded chore into a thoughtless process. First things first, don’t wait until the pile erupts into a mountain. Attack it while it’s still just a pile. The following is a list of basic laundry tips I have learned and applied (most of the time):

One location for dirty laundry – lots of moms think it’s best to put a laundry hamper or basket in each child’s room, however, if you are the one collecting the laundry and washing it, now you have to go to several locations to pick it up and deliver it to the laundry room. This is added work and 1 step worth eliminating. Create one central location for dirty clothes. The bottom of a linen closet with a basket in, if you have one, in the laundry room itself in a hamper or basket are convenient and concealed areas. After baths or dressing, have each child take their dirty clothes to the basket in that designated area. This alone will save you a lot of travel time and additionally is a wonderful chore training opportunity. Children of any age once they can walk, should be able to carry a few items of clothing and place them in a basket.

Sorting – unless your kids are old enough to know the difference between lights & darks, you are probably going to be the one sorting the laundry. I certainly have even my youngest child along at my side however, watching and helping me as I sort. What better way for them to learn not only laundry sorting, but since we are also a homeschooling family, I love any chore that can become a multi-tasker and use laundry sorting as a math or colors lesson! Another idea: Why sort? A three or four section laundry sorter can give you a huge advantage, (WalMart has a nice 4 section sorter for about $35).

One load per day – now that your dirty laundry is conveniently located ideally in a laundry sorter or at least in a basket/hamper in one designated location, your job is much easier. As I mentioned in the beginning, I have tried having specific days on the schedule designated as laundry day, however the strategy that has worked best for me personally is to tackle one load each day. Typically, each morning, I rise before my children do. This alone gives me an advantage! Just having that 1 hour each day to accomplish things or just have quiet alone time before they wake is refreshing and helps me feel accomplished before I begin my day. I of course get my morning cup of java first! Priorities are priorities and this is a huge treat for me each morning, something to look forward to which makes it a little easier to get out of bed! :) I select one load each day. So if you have the laundry sorter mentioned above, then select the bin that is the fullest and wash it. If you do not yet have the laundry sorter, that's fine too. Just select the load that is most in need of washing that day. So this process for me would look like this:

(1) Start the dryer that usually has the clothes in from the day before to fluff them up. (2) While that load is fluffing in the dryer, I throw the load I have selected for that day into the washer. (3) Then I go back to the dryer and take those clothes out and either hang each item on a hanger (dress shirts, dress pants, things that need to hang), right away so they don't wrinkle which will save me more time and in essence help me walk in victory over ironing! :) The items that don't hang on a hanger, that will otherwise be folded (eventually), I lay flat in a pile on top of the dryer. That way I don't have to fold right then and they don't remain in a pile or stuffed in a basket wrinkled. This allows me to keep this morning routine of getting the laundry started quick so that I still have ample time before the kids wake to have a morning devotion, blog, enjoy my coffee, get a shower, do another chore, etc. As time allows during the day, throw the load from the washer into the dryer and grab the pile from the morning off the dryer and fold. For me, I often do that when the homeschooling one's are independently working on seatwork or when the younger one's are playing contently or napping. Whatever works best for YOU!! :)

Baskets –  ideally, have a laundry basket for each member of the family. If not, in our house each family member typically has a step (on our stairway upstairs to the bedrooms). After folding the laundry, place each in its respective basket or on each family member's designated step. As they walk upstairs to their bedrooms, they know to grab their laundry off of their step or grab their basket and take to their room with them. This makes putting it all away a breeze. Even young children can carry their own laundry to their rooms. You may need to help them put it away, but having them involved in the process instills ownership and responsibility. You are also training and equipping them for the future when they have their own families to care for.

If you complete this process from start to finish before doing another load each day, you will never have a mountain of clean, unfolded laundry to dig through or a mountain of dirty laundry to wash. Once you get in the automatic habit of doing one quick load each morning and not starting another load until you have the first one folded and in baskets, you have already begun the process of Walking In Victory Over Laundry, Laundry, Laundry!! :) The bonus? Eventually, you may even get ahead of it, not have enough to start a full load and have a laundry vacation day!! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Walking In Victory Over Opposition!

Walking In Victory Over Oppostion...a topic I believe God allowed particular circumstances in my day yesterday, in my week in general, to lead me to address an area where I believe many of us struggle, certainly I do, and I have by no means arrived at walking in victory over opposition! What I can share are some lessons I've learned along the way, some effective tools to effectively help me in my battle to defeat not the opposition itself, that is out of our control, but the negative, non-productive effect it has on my life and how it hinders me from going forth in all God has called me to do.

If you've followed me in my journey on this blog this week, you certainly know there have been challenges and opposition in my week. For reasons I haven't quite figured out yet, although I have some thoughts, that would be a general theme in my life. As I have mentioned in previous posts this week, I have also received tremendous blessing along the way. What I am saying is that I seem to be one who has to work hard at any small accomplishment, it doesn't happen naturally for me, I'm not particularly exceptional in anything, very much average and need to work hard at even being that! I guess if I evaluated and examined the course of my life, it would be evident that fighting and battling for victory in just about any area of life you can imagine would be something I am quite familiar with. Hence, likely precisely the reason God laid it on my heart to launch a ministry addressing this exact apparent theme of my life.

So how does this thing called opposition rear its ugly head and manifest in our lives? Well, the most recent and relevant example I can share with you pertains to this particular blog and ministry as recent as yesterday. As you would know if you're journeying along with me, my last 2 messages have been legnthy! So it can be pretty discouraging when you have risen early when everything in your body wants to stay in bed just one more hour, and you pour your heart into typing this long message, forcing you to reflect on and share things that are often uncomfortable all in the name of ministry, you finish feeling quite accomplished and the internet goes down with unsaved content! Can anyone relate?! So you cry, fuss, moan, & complain, pull it together and re-write much of what you just spent so much time on that has otherwise gone into cyberspace somewhere, wherever that is! After now writing a legnthy message TWICE, you attempt to post a link on some of your social networks for the sake of getting the message out to people, which would be the purpose, only to be blocked from doing so because someone has apparently reported my blog and ministry as "abusive!"

I would absolutely be lying if I told you that I was uneffected by it. It's hurtful and discouraging, especially when you already hold on to some very influential messages that have been written on your heart and in your mind from a very young age all the way into adult life. Honestly, there were many tears, hurt feelings, and an entire host of all of those things that follow as a result - anger, fear, doubt, vengence, etc. I'm just being very real with you. I then had to attempt to try-out for the Worship Team at our new church last night feeling discouraged from being involved in yet more ministry, hence more opportunity for attack and oppostition, and lacking any amount of self confidence due to the impact and damage this one "small potatoes" event had on my defeated mind. Honestly, I went to bed defeated and discouraged, sharing all of the thoughts about being a failure that were a landmine in the battlefield of my mind with my husband, who is thankfully also my best friend, biggest fan, and greatest encourager.

I believe it was God who woke me out of my sleep at 4 am this morning and prodded me to turn this experience into a message to minister to the hearts and minds of others who handle opposition the way I do. What I can share with you friend, are a few lessons I've learned along the way in this continual battle of my mind. Number (1): You absolutely cannot trust your "feelings!" They change on a circumstantial, moment by moment basis and they will fail you every single time. The best illustration of this I can come up with is this: in relationships, the little habits that were once "cute" when you were all google eyed and "feeling" in love, then down the road become big annoyances. Then life together strikes and disagreements add to annoyances, etc., until some days, you're not necessarily "feeling" in love with this person! Can I share with you something that absolutely rocked my world and transformed my marriage once I grabbed hold of this foreign concept? Love is not a feeling friends, but a choice! That's good news! Just think of the impact this concept could have on marriage, on YOUR marriage, if you CHOSE love rather than relied on FEELING love?!

Number (2): How do you avoid relying upon "feelings?" You must CHOSE TRUTH! What I've learned in life many times the hard way, is that the only truth I can confidently rely upon, that will never fail me, is the truth of God's Word! Get in it, bathe yourself in it, study it, learn it, hide it in your heart so that when the attacks and opposition come, the truth of God's Word that's hidden in your heart is the sword that you engage in the battle with to fight defeat and walk in victory!

Number (3): Understand that your battle is not against flesh and blood, but rather the principalities of this world. I am not trying to "wierd you out" here. The truth of the matter is that we are surrounded by demons and darkness. That is truly where the battle is! It is absolutely turning the devil's world upside down that I am ministering to & sharing the truth of God's Word with those he would rather seek to devour, kill, & destroy. He knows where you are weak and if he can use someone or something to reinforce that in your mind, he can discourage you and cause you to hold back in fear and doubt. I cannot even begin to list the attacks on me, my family, my character, my marriage, my children, my finances, etc., since I launched this ministry. To be honest, I also cant begin to count the number of times I have "felt" like giving up as a result. But I can't. What if...what if there was just one person who's life could be changed and empowered by my sharing? It would be selfish of me to give up just because it was hard to handle the opposition. That one person matters to God! I have no choice but to arm myself with the truth of God's Word, pray for protection and intervention, and then go and do what He's called me to do in confidence that He will give me everything I need for life in victory!

Are you facing opposition today friend? Would this particular season of life seemingly be filled with day to day opposition? Or like me friend, would opposition seem to define the theme of your life? Be encouraged, if I can apply just a few of these principles to help me engage in the battle and walk in victory, anyone can! YOU can too! It's a choice! Chose victory!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Walking In Victory Over "Small Potatoes!"

So yesterday, I talked about Walking In Victory Over Trials and overcoming a victim mentality. I was referring to the "big" trials in life, those things that change and redefine our lives as we once knew them. But what about the day to day "small potatoes," all those "little" things, the day to day, the mundane, that cause us to be discouraged and walk defeated?

So honestly, I had to go back and read my own post yesterday and again this morning! In my case, I have learned to expect the "attacks" that seem to come everytime I do anything in the area of ministry. I believe I've talked about this in previous posts - the bull's eye that seems to be on the backs of anyone working for the Lord. The enemy (a.k.a. the devil) gets completely bent out of shape when God's people work to unravel all that he's trying to destroy in the lives of others. So as it seems to be the case, I know that on the days I post on my blog, serve in my church, minister to a friend or family member in need of encouragement, etc., I can expect curve balls and challenges to come with the territory. Any of my readers in ministry, Pastors, Small Group Leaders, Children's Ministry Workers, Worship Team Members, Bible Study Leaders, etc., you know who you are and you know exactly the type of attack I'm referring to!

For others, like me on the days I'm wearing my wife and homeschooling mother hat, just going about my day to day life, there are no less attacks from the same enemy for the same purpose of challenging, testing, discouraging, and otherwise paralyzing us from doing what we're called to do on a day to day basis. In either case, whether you're wearing your ministry hat, your spouse hat, parenting hat, employee hat, etc., the call to walk in victory and the manner of doing so, are the same.

So for example, (I'll leave out many of the specific details for the protection of my children's confidentiality) but I will try to share enough information to create the perfect Calgon environment that you can relate to cuz I know you can! I cannot possibly be the only mother on planet Earth with days like these! Please someone tell me I am not! :) Ok, so you can't close your eyes to really place yourself in the moment cuz you won't be able to read this post! :) But with your eyes open, plug yourself into this equation as I try to re-create the perfect chaos to stir up that anxiety, tension, frustration, discouragement that I know some of you can relate to on days like these! :) You don't necessarily have to be a wife or mother to relate. You've had these types of days at work or wherever you do your day to day too!

So to reflect, I told you yesterday how we threw our entire financial future and credit into the wind in an 8 year legal battle for my son. I also told you that we have worked very hard to restore the mess of all of it over the last several years. You know the story from there, I told you, and I know you can relate to just when you begin to restore something, regardless of what it is, something happens in life often times that causes you to have to start back at step one. So in our case, just as it was beginning to break, (how many of you know that it takes years to recover from something like that?) my husband's company "re-organized" & "downsized" due to the economy and a 4 month job search, hence 4 months of no paycheck, being taken to the brink of losing everything and a relocation and "start over" followed. Relocating and starting over is expensive and doing so being 4 months behind and owning a home in a housing market that wouldn't be a good investment to sell right now, can be challenging. Relocating and starting over in a location where the cost of living is at least 30% higher than where we came from can really intensify the challenge. I mention all of this for 2 reasons: (1) to give you an understanding of how "small potato" day to day challenges can become a big deal depending on one's circumstances to begin with and (2) I know that in these economic times, someone reading this is struggling with job loss and financial set-back right now in this moment and sometimes it helps just to know that you are not the only one when you are going through a difficult season and to fast forward to see how God worked it out for someone else to give you the faith that He will work it out for you too!

So having vehicle issues this week after having heating system issues at our home in Richmond we're renting out to tenants with small children who call to report it's 58 degrees in the house last week, 6 months post starting completely over, post 4 months no paycheck can cause for a stressful day! I'm just sayin.....!!!! :) That's just how we begin our day! :) Me stranded at home all week with no vehicle because Harry needs to get to work somehow with his often 3 HOUR COMMUTE :) on the week the kid that goes to school is off from school and how many of you can relate to the "small potatoes" of being an unpaid referee amongst the continual sibling rivalry all day, the countless trips to the bathroom to address dicipline issues, the every 3 minute interruptions as you're neck deep in piles of laundry, the exhaustive creativity of building forts, doing arts & crafts, etc., to keep everyone sane?! :) And then you know how it goes stay-at-home moms, as the long day draws to an end and you look forward to your husband/relief system arriving home in the near future, he calls to inform you that his boss scheduled 4:00 meeting that will likely last until at least 6:00 and for the moms out there who have hubbies who work in DC like mine, with the rush hour commute, the earliest you can expect relief when his meeting won't even be over until 6pm is about 8:00ish!! :) Ugh!!

AS IF....all of that wouldn't be enough just cause to schedule an appt with a psychiatrist :) in the midst, one of your wayward teens calls, let's just say in an altered state of mind, to inform you that he'll be sleeping in a snowbank tonight because he has otherwise been displaced from his residence due to some poor choices, the 4 yr old tells you after dinner (that's burning as you're on the phone dealing with the crisis of the aforementioned situation) that she's ill! Your husband walks in at 8pm (right on time) exhausted from his day that btw began at 4am and you have to inform him of all of this fantastic news that all good husbands look forward to coming home to (after you warm up and serve him the burnt dinner)! :)

His response? Well, thank God for the husband I have been blessed with! God knew what He was doing when He gave me the perfect husband that would always bring laughter to my chaotic life! "Well, I'm gonna go walk the dog (who btw is quite embarrassing to walk in public with her current hair cut)! With the way this day is going, I'll likely fall down the front steps on the ice doing so, in which case I'll break my back and be disabled preventing me from ever working again, in which case I'll at least be compensated with 1/2 my gross since we were barely making it on the full enchalada to begin with, and since we can't afford for you to call an ambulance, just leave me there to suffer til Friday when I get paid!!" The way he says it all dead seriously with his dry sense of humor...well, you can appreciate how I can't help but run down the hall laughing until I cry! :) We ended the day by putting the kids to bed, changed into cozy sweats, grabbed a bedtime snack which we had in our bed together where we turned on the TV and just laughed together and called it a day!

You know what? Sometimes, that's all you can do! We can cry, complain, yell, fight, take it out on the guy who cuts us off on the road, give up in despair or we can do what Harry and I have learned to do...laugh! Not that we haven't resorted to the above, we have, still do often times, but we have learned that it's non-productive, usually creates more problems, Lord knows we have enough, it only produces a harvest of discouragement, and so sometimes on the "small potato" days like yesterday, laughter is the best medicine!

In all seriousness, the best medicine is to do what I truly had to do most of the day yesterday - remain in a constant posture of surrender! Whether it be the big trials or the day to day challenges of daily life, the solution remains the same. We have to surrender it all to the One who is in control when everything around us is spinning out of control. The best rationalization I can ponder up in my analytical mind that has a need to figure everything out, this one who in Physics class couldn't just accept the law of gravity, I had a need to know how and why, is that the God who created me and designed me uniquely as He did, knows I am prone to wander, knows my stregnths and weaknesses, knows what character issues still need a little more molding & shaping, etc., and He must know that if I am not continually challenged, tried, & tested, I am prone to resort back to Ms. Independent and take the wheel and start trying to control everything in my life as I know it and that I have to be kept in a continual state of surrender in almost every area of my life! That's God's position. Then remember yesterday we talked about the enemy (the devil). He also knows where I am weak, where he can cause me to stumble, grow discouraged, give up, and hinder the work, plans, & purposes God created me for. The 3rd component we we talked about yesterday is just life in a fallen world. Sometimes our daily challenges are just part of life.

So friends, what are we gonna do with those "small potatoes" challenges that come our way today? May I challenge you to laugh, enjoy the blessings in your life today despite the challenges, and entrust and surrender the circumstances that come today that you have no control over to the One who has everything in control. In those pull your hair out, Calgon moments today when you feel like you absolutely cannot handle one more challenge, stop, take every thought captive, and keep it all in perspective. Ask yourself, is this thought pattern productive right now? If it's not turning out that it is, then literally take it captive, force it out, even if you have to say it out loud. Put off lies and put on truth. Communicate with your heavenly father, tell Him exactly what you're feeling and where you're weak and ask for help, turn on something postitive to counter-act the negative thought life & circumstances (for me it's praise & worship music), trust that there is grace and mercy sufficient for the challenges you are facing today, tomorrow will be a new day, nothing is the end of the world, consider someone going through something more difficult than what you face today, and take it a step further and serve them. Take the focus off of yourself and your circumstances and look up and look to others. When you're so overwhelmed that you can't see through the fog of it all, call on a trusted friend, that accountability partner we talked about yesterday you should be seeking out, and ask for prayer, help, perspective, etc. You can do it! You can WALK IN VICTORY over those small potatoes! After all, they're potatoes and you are a child of God!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here In Your Presence (with lyrics)

A Walking In Victory Recipe - Apricot Chicken & Rice

Another Recipe that will help you Walk In Victory in your kitchen! 4 Ingredients in the Crockpot, under 10 minutes to prepare, & a Budget friendly meal at under $10!!

Apricot Chicken & Rice

4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
1 Jar of Apricot Preserves (in Jelly Isle)
1/2 jar of water (from the preserves)
1 Box Boil in a Bag Rice
Salt & Pepper & Seasonings to taste

Place Chicken Breasts in Crock Pot. Season with Salt & Pepper. Add 1 Jar of Apricot Preserves and 1/2 jar of water. Mix and cover and allow to slow cook in crock pot 4-6 hours or so. 10 Minutes before mealtime, cook Boil in a Bag Rice according to package instructions. Drain. Season Rice with Salt, Pepper, & Butter. Serve Chicken & Apricot Sauce over Rice!

Walking In Victory Over Trials - Victim Mentality

As I prayed and asked God this morning what He would have me to speak to His people about, something I have personally been struggling a great deal with in this season of my life is feeling victimized, frustrated by a seeming sense of injustice and lack of control in circumstances that cause me to feel as if other people, places, things, & situations are in control over the outcome of my life. Speaking on this topic is going to require a great deal of vulnerability and transparency on my part, however typically when I get up not having something specific on my heart and pray and ask God to show me, I typically just put my fingers to the keyboard and type by the spirit and how the spirit leads and this is what is coming forth. So as I'm cringing inside, saying to myself, "No God, not THIS topic," I have to be obedient and trust that there is somebody specific, if not multiple people that need to know that they are not alone in their struggles and be encouraged and ministered to in this area.

If I were to go into all of the details on all of the wide variety of trials and circumstances in my life that have caused me to feel a sense of victimization and lack of control over the outcome of my life, this would become an extremely lengthy post. So I need to address some of these specific trials in seperate posts each of their own especially since the one trial most relevant in causing me to struggle with this sense of victimization is an entire ministry I plan to birth in the future and book I am writing (Fighting For Zachary, Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith: A Book Of Hope For Prodigals And The Moms Who Love Them) all on its own! :) So, for all intense purposes of my goal for this specific post, I will need to be specific enough to paint the picture to effectively minister, yet broad enough to not write my book just yet! :)

So from a detailed/broad perspective, (is there such a thing?) how have I arrived at this sense of feeling victimized and a lack of control over the outcome of my life (which in essence has produced a harvest of anger within me)? Well, looking back over the course of my 38 years of existence on Earth, I can't recall a season where there hasn't been a particular struggle in my life. Not that there has not been incredible blessing in the mix and that I have not contributed to any of these areas of struggle through my own sin, lack of wisdom, and poor decision making, but remember we're speaking in general terms for now. What my intention  is NOT, is to invite you to a pitty party, where I am the guest of honor and the theme is woe is me! :) So I hope I can convey what I AM trying to say in all of my inability to do anything "right" in life. What I trust, however is that where I am unable, the Lord is absolutely able! What I am trying to convey is that often times in life in this fallen world, trial is experienced by all, and not that any one person's trial is more extraordinary than the other, but trial is experienced on different levels it seems. Some seem to go through life in this world somehow escaping tragedy or long suffering in a particular area (and praise God for it), while I'm sure you can think of others who seem to for reasons we often don't comprehend on this side of eternity, go through fire and testing through extreme and unspeakable, unfathomable, tragic circumstances.

In fact, as I write, specific people and circumstances come to mind when I speak of those extreme, unspeakable, unfathomable, unexplainable trials and tragedies. Mine are minute in comparison, but nonetheless, much of my life as I can recall has been marked by seasons of extraordinary trial and suffering. That would not only be my perspective through my lens, but what many others in my circle of influence would seem to recognize and acknowledge as well. Those same people however, have not allowed me to have a pitty party, but have spurred me on into possible ministry. It seems in practically every season of my life, there has been a particular trial to walk through...a difficult childhood, abusive relationships, becoming an unwed, teenage, single mom, the tragedy of losing my 19 year old brother to being struck by an Amtrack train, walking through drug and alcohol addiction with family and the effects that has on those that love them, having my 9 year old little boy ripped out of my arms, very literally, screaming and begging me to come to his rescue in his limited understanding as to why he was being taken from his mother due to a perverted justice system and kept from me for 8 long years due to a legal technicality, the loss that would follow as a result, of our entire lifetime of finances, savings, retirement funds, equity in homes, etc., in an 8 year legal battle to bring him back home, the turmoil that those types of circumstances can cause in a marriage and family in overflow, and most recently leaving many trials in between unmentioned, after years of laborous work rebuilding our family and finances, those who fought so hard to keep my son from me in essence saying, "Here, we've utterly destroyed him, now he's too big a casuality to us, you can have him back and fix the mess we made," and the effect that bringing such a child back into your household can have and after years of rebuilding our finances and credit from the $75,000 thrown into the wind with nothing to show for it in legal fees related to this battle, your husband being rewarded to a job well done at work in completing a project 3 months ahead of schedule and exceeding profit margins by a downsizing just before he was due & contracted to receive a profit sharing bonus for his hard and sacrificial work, also 2 months prior to being vested in the company losing all 401K and investments with the company leading us to a 4 month job search last summer that would ultimately take us right to the brink of losing our home and everything we have worked hard for over the last 18 years together and the hardship that inevitably follows a job loss such as that in which your only or best option is to rent your home to another family who can cover the mortgage, pick up at ages and in a season of family life where it is complicated to start completely over, and relocate and start over for the purpose of being employed and providing for your family. Whew! That was absolutely a run-on sentence, but it's my blog and if I want to use improper grammar, so be it! :)

Maybe you can relate to some of the mentioned trials and suffering. Maybe you have walked through something in life entirely different. Irregardless, it doesn't matter, trial is trial, suffering is suffering, pain is pain, and God is God! It's specifically the last 3 words in that previous sentence that I pray will be captured by someone (hopefully more than one) in my sharing these difficult and intimate details of my life. A concept I need to grasp hold of each and every day, often times multiple times throughout the day and I pray and invite you to journey along with me to fight the good fight of faith and walk in victory over trial and suffering.

Friend, trust me when I say, I understand suffering, I understand the harvest of anger and turmoil suffering can create as an overflow effect in every area of life. I understand the battle of the day to day fighting for faith to persevere and some days you win and many days you lose in that battle for faith. If I told you that I have arrived, I would absolutely be lying! I am ministering as much to myself as I am to you! What I can share with you are some things I have learned along the way (my entire mission statement and purpose of my ministry) and some tools we can equip ourselves with in order to not only survive trials, but walk in victory over them! The most profound result of each of these circumstances in my life has been that it has caused me to give my life over to, surrender to, rely upon for grace and sufficiency in my lack of, entrust with things that I seemingly have no control over or nobody I can entrust them to, to the One who is fully in control, able to make provisions that otherwise cannot be made by man, sustain me and hold me in the palm of His mighty hands helping me persevere, and trust that His word is true, it will not return void, and if He says this is for my good and his glory (Romans 8:28), then I have to trust that even though it doesn't "feel" good in the moment, He knows what He is doing, He is God and I am mortal man, He sees the beginning from the end and I can only see as far as the limited human eye can see, and that somehow, some way, He is absolutely going to work this out for my good and for His ultimate glory. I know that in the process of each of these trials and seasons of my life, He is molding and shaping me, He has a plan and a purpose for my life, and maybe not the way I would have chosen things, but in the way that is best, He will work it all out, and maybe not in my timing (which is always impatiently yesterday) but in His perfect timing.

That's the first step. Maybe you have no idea what I'm talking about in this One I speak of, in which case, I invite you to take that first step and make Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life. There's no religious ritual or complicated procedure. You just do that...invite him into your heart, proclaim that you believe, admit you've messed up, ask Him to forgive you, make you clean, and give you a fresh slate, surrender and ask Him to take control of the wheel in your life. Then get into His word, the Bible, and begin to learn all there is to learn about Him, saturate yourself in His truth. Get into a grounded Bible believing church and around like-minded people who can journey along with you.

If you have already taken this step, a long time ago or just recently, it doesn't matter, the next step is the same. Take time on a daily basis (moment by moment if necessary) to spend time in His presence. Communicate with Him. There isn't a complicated means of doing so. Talk to Him as if He were your best friend. He is! Communicating is talking and also listening, so after you have talked to Him, be quiet. Listen to that still small voice speaking in the depth of your soul. It's likely His voice guiding, directing, comforting you! Not the self defeating voice of your 2 biggest enemies - you & the devil! You'll recognize the difference based on whether or not it lines up with the truth of His word.

Spend time in His Word and saturate yourself with the truth that lies within it. Fill your environment and surroundings on a daily basis with the positive truth that will be the sword you arm yourself with and go into battle for faith each day by communicating with Him, spending time in His Word, listen to worship & praise music, get involved with a solid bible believing church where you can be fed and spurred on, get involved and serve, find an accountability partner, someone you can entrust with your deepest struggles and call on during those difficult days to link arms and go into battle with you. You can't do it alone. Count your blessings and cultivate a harvest of thanksgiving and gratitude for every blessing in your life. Even in the midst of each of the extremely difficult circumstances that I mentioned above, no matter how hard things were, I could always find something to be thankful for, blessings that He had given me.

Finally, know that you are not a victim of circumstances or people! God is perfectly in control of your life and over your circumstances. I hope that my theololy is accurate here and that I can effectively communicate it. Hence, that reminds me, note to self, find a Pastor I trust to oversee my ministry and help me where I am lacking. God is sovereign, omnicient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, meaning He is all in control, all knowing, all powerful, all present. In knowing those facts, one big misconception that I personally have wrestled with and I know others wrestle with is that although God is in control over your circumstances, He does not necessarily CAUSE your circumstances. I personally do not believe for example that an all-loving, compassionate, all good, heavenly father, CAUSES an innocent baby to be raped, murdered, and left in a trash can to die! No more than God CAUSED my brother to stand on a train track and be struck nor did He CAUSE my son to be taken from me! It's a difficult concept to get your mind around, I'll admit. It's difficult to grasp how God can be Sovereign, meaning in control over all things, yet not be the CAUSE of many of our tragedies or trials. I myself have blamed God and I am walking through some trials with several different people right now that blame God for the pain and suffering they are experiencing. This does not go without saying that He doesn't already know before time that they will occur, they do not take Him by surprise, He is all powerful to change anything about a particular situation according to His ultimate plan and purpose. His word says that we limit Him. Meaning, He is not a Puppet Master and we are His puppets, controlling our every action or decision on strings in His hands. He has given us minds of our owns and self will. Meaning, He can perfectly, sovereignly be directing and guiding us and we can sinfully, willfully make a decision on our own against what He would have desired for us. He knows ahead of time the path we will chose and He can work through it for our good and His glory. He can also chose to allow it or stop it. Some of those things are the mysteries of God that we cannot understand in our limited human abilities. The bible says that His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts, etc. We also live in a fallen world, meaning imperfect man, sin, evil are reigning in the world in which we live. Again, He is sovereign and all powerful and in control and will ultimately be victorious over the outcome of the world, however He has given man rule over the Earth.

This concept has been extremely helpful to me in my victim mentality days when I chose to apply it and not just give in to defeat and discouragement. See, we aren't truly victims of people and circumstances! God is in control! So the best example from personal experience I can give to help you understand, because I am often confused by this myself, hence victim mentality. So take for example my son being taken from me for 8 years for no reason that a child should be taken away from his mother that even 5 different hired attorneys could comprehend or give an explanation for...evil & selfish desires of human hearts, a perverted and flawed judicial system where legal technicalities trump right and wrong, etc., seemingly prevailed. And in a sense, they did prevail. Ultimately however, the bible says that God instructs the king's heart like a watercourse, meaning He for some reason, allowed the Judge (King) in my situation to be hardened toward me, to believe evil, lies, and manipulation, to make a decision that would change and redefine the course of my entire life, based on as he stated when making his ruling, "which lawyer presented the better case," rather than right and wrong.

So in this particular situation, what were/are my choices? I can blame and be angry with God (and I'll admit it, I've done that at times)! I can fight back, seek my own purposes, vengence, etc. (I've done that too)! Not that we don't fight back and seek justice, you know what I mean. We can give up, become depressed, hopeless, live in defeat (sorry to be redundant, do that all the time)! We can self-medicate through substances, food, people, habits, self destructive behavior, busyness, stuffing emotions, etc. (yes, some of those too)! There's a never-ending list of "things" we can do to cope or not cope. What we need to do and the only thing we can do that will have any positive impact whatsoever, is acknowledge our dependence on God & actually do dependent on Him on a moment by moment basis. As I said above, communicate with Him. Tell Him where you're struggling, where you're hurting, where you're angry, whatever it may be, acknowledge you can't do it and surrender it to Him. He has promised He can handle it, that our burdens are heavy but His yoke is light. Cry if you need to cry, it's ok. His word speaks to weeping and mourning. Be angry if you're angry. It's a God given emotion. His word says in your anger do not sin, not do not be angry. Let Him know the desires of your heart. He put them there to begin with (the one's that line up with His will anyway). Submit your requests and make them known to Him. He knows what you will ask before you ask it. His word says to present all of your requests WITH THANKSGIVING and they will be given to you according to His will. Never give up! That's exactly where the enemy would desire you to be - defeated! Get back up, dust yourself off, rely on His grace and sufficiency, allow Him to direct and guide your steps, allow those thorns in your life to become building blocks that can be used to grow you, mold you, shape you, into all He would have you to be. He wants the very best for you! So be released to dream big! Use the messages that have been written on your heart, your story, your testimony, your sufferings, your victories, His victories to examine your life, redefine your priorities, re-prioritize your life, reflect on what truly matters in life, count your blessings, help others, advance His Kingdom.

So how do we walk in victory over our trials, sufferings, victim mentalities? We grasp that we are not casualties of people or circumstances, even when it seems that way. God is in control and He allows the hearts of people or circumstances to be directed by His ultimate plans and purposes for our lives. There's just something in knowing that, that helps me anyway to know, ok you or this is not in control of me, God is and I can't trust such and such but I can trust God! Believe and trust that even when circumstances do not "feel" good, God is not a liar. His promise is that He works all things for the good of those who love Him, so even when we can't see the big picture, it's ok, we don't have to, we couldn't handle it if we knew it all anyway, He does, He knows what He is doing, after all, He is the One who controls the entire Universe, not me, and trust that somehow, someway, it's gonna work out, you're gonna be ok, He is with you, He loves you, He will never leave or forsake you, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, put on your armor, and fight for the faith to persevere, conquer, and use your lessons in life to teach others to do the same!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Walking In Victory Over The Real Life Chronicles Of A Homeschooling Mother!

Real life chronicles of a homeschooling mom...after teaching Lola Grace the letter G (for g-g-goat) this week...last night leaving Zumba class...Lola - "Mommy, I have the letter G on my mind." (Yes, to only have those types of little worries on your mind)! Me - "That's great Lola! What sound does G make?" Lola - "Easy,... G says, La-la-la-LAMB!!" :( Same species, different beginning sound! :) Sort of takes me back to the time Belle said something similar after picking her up from her end of year homeschool state testing (you know, the one where the state determines if you can continue to homeschool or be placed on suspension??!!)...Me - "So how did you do on your test Belle?" Belle - "Oh it was EASY mommy!!" Me - somewhat shocked that she would say it was EASY..."Really Belle? It was easy? Why do you say that Belle?" Belle..."It was EASY! All you had to do was take your pencil and color in ALL the bubbles on the page!!!" :( Me...what do you mean Belle that you colored in ALL the bubbles on the page??!!" Belle..."Well, the teacher read the story and then we had to color in the bubble next to the best answer but I just colored in ALL the bubbles!!" Not knowing whether to laugh or cry and calling Harry at work in shambles about my homeschooling failures, his response (laughing at my woes)..."Well, in a few weeks you'll get a letter from the state either putting you on suspension or declaring that she's a complete genius!!" :)