Thursday, December 8, 2011

Make lunch festive w/this Green & Red idea!

From my NEW "Walking In Victory Lunch Box" Section:

If you're like me (and lots of other moms I know), I'm always looking for new ideas for my kid's (and hubbie's) lunch box! I mean, there are only so many versions of lunch meat & cheese on bread w/chips, fruit, and a drink one can take! :) So, I have been inspired to share with you (and have you share back with me - to then share with all of you) a new section to help all of us Walk In Victory over the dreaded lunch box!! :)

How about this festive green and red Christmas idea I added to my children's lunch boxes today?

Green Cucumbers & Red Cherry Tomatoes w/Ranch!!

To make it even fancier (I know, I'm totally ridiculous and out of hand!) I took my grandmother's veggie peeler that I have hanging above my counters (of course, don't I turn ALL things into home decor??!!) and peeled a stripe down the cumcumber (so that it looks like every other stripe is skin on/skin off - does that make sense)? Then I took my handy dandy Pampered Chef crinkle slicer thingie :) and sliced them so they look well, crinkled!! Like a chip!! So instead of ordinary potato chips, ta da, they have cucumber chips!! It remains to be seen at the end of the day if they bought into it! :)

So throw the cucumbers (however you slice em) and the cherry tomatoes in a baggie, spoon a spoonful of ranch into a little container w/lid, and wah-lah!! :) You're Walking in Victory over the dreaded lunch box!! :)

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