Have You Lost Your Mind?
What makes one relationship work and another fail? What keeps one couple on the same page, but puts another in completely different books? What makes one Christian succeed in their walk with God and another fail?
The answer is not, “Well, that’s just how life is.” The answer is not your flesh. The most detrimental obstacle that prevents you from having a happy life is your mind. Your mind is where the battle is either won or lost. Every stronghold you have is conceived in your mind. It is where every single sin you commit is birthed. It is where every relational struggle you deal with emerges. Your mind is ground zero for every self-inflicted problem you’ll have in life.
"Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:2-5
The Bible says a carnal mind is at war with God. The Bible says, “as a man thinketh, so is he.” The Bible says, “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing (renovation) of your mind.” The Bible says that in order for people to get along, they must be of the same mind, toward one another. We have to be likeminded both with Christ, and our Christian brothers and sisters. How is that possible? How can we bring every thought to obedience? How can we win the war between God’s Word and our thought life?
Lose your mind.
I don’t mean how some of you have lost your minds long ago! I’m not saying you should walk around mindless. I mean lose your mind and let the mind of Christ take over! The same mind Christ had, Paul told us in God’s Word that that same mind can be in us!
How can you and your spouse have a happy marriage? Lose your mind and let the mind of Christ be in you. A husband and wife with minds like Christ would never think thoughts like, “I made a mistake,” or “I want to quit”. A couple with the mind of Christ would prefer one another over themselves, love each other with an unfailing love, be on the same page, think the best instead of believe the worst, esteem each other better than themselves, forgive each other instead of condemn each other, and—last but not least—have the marriage God intended for them to have! The reason more than half of Christian couples divorce is because they are living their lives with carnal minds instead of minds like Christ!
Do you have a hard time in your relationships? Do you have a hard time getting along with people? Getting along with family members? Lose your mind and get the mind of Christ! The answer to getting along with your husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, friends, co-workers, or boss: prefer them over yourself, love them with an unfailing love, think the best instead of believe the worst, esteem them higher than yourself, care about their needs more than your own, forgive them instead of condemn them, and have the relationships God intended for you to have!
Obtaining the mind of Christ is the answer to all of your relational problems. By the way, it’s also the answer to your personal problems, as well! The reason you’re selfish is because you’re using your mind instead of Christ’s. The reason you possess hatred for another is because you’re using your mind instead of Christ’s mind—Jesus loved His enemies! The reason you live a life of sin is because you’re using your own mind. The mind of Christ never has a sinful thought!
Friend, the answer to your struggles is to stop thinking like you, and start thinking like Christ! Lose your mind and let the mind of Christ be in you! The Bible wouldn’t tell us to do something we don’t have the ability to do! We can have the mind of Christ—but it’s up to us to let His mind be in us!
Pastor G.Daniel 12:3
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