I did this myself this morning and thought it would be nice to share with all of you! It's February! It's the month of LOVE!! :) Let's Walk In Victory this month in being creative and intentional in doing the "little things" to express love and affection to our kids, spouses, significant others, friends, family, etc. - you get the idea! :) I mean, doesn't it bring a smile to your face when someone does something "little" for YOU? Don't we ALL love a sweet surprise, no matter the size. It IS the thought that matters! So let's make it matter!
The specific illustration I used this morning in packing everyone's lunches (which in and of itself is an act of love and I would even go out on a limb here and say an act of worship as we pursue our God given roles of mom's (and dad's), wives (and hubbies) with joy and thankfulness that we have the privilege of taking care of these important people in our lives - YOUR jobs matter! And I just feel led to quickly address the stay at home mom right here - your job IS a career, it matters, it's valuable, it's your 1st calling on earth, the most important job on earth, the hardest, yet most rewarding job on earth, it's a privilege, an act of worship as we make our families and homes our utmost priorities in life, and the absolute highest calling existent!
Sorry, got a little side-tracked there, however, as some people play the piano or an instrument beautifully, never having taken a single lesson, and play by what they describe as "playing by the spirit," this keyboard is my instrument (even though I do play the clarinet - and with all the lessons and years of dedication in concert band, marching band, pep band, etc., when you utilize the "instrument" God gave you, something beautiful comes forth and can be used to minister, so I would definitely describe my writing, as an instrument, "typing by the spirit," often putting my fingers to the keyboard having no idea what I am suppose to type, but as the spirit leads, I obey and LOVE when I hear the testimonies of how God was using that to speak encouragement to specific people)! :)
But back to the "Sweet Treats and Little Things That Go A Long Way:"
Ok, so you know those little candy hearts with the little sayings on them you can buy this time of year in the Valentine Candy isle? I selected a handful of specific hearts with messages I wanted to convey, and threw those in my kid's lunch boxes this morning! I would have thrown a handful in my hubbies too if he brought his lunch today, but he's coming home for lunch instead!! So maybe I'll put some on his plate when I make his lunch!! :)
Here are some other ideas I have used and I promise, they are tried and true so go ahead, steal em' and be intentional this month to tell someone you LOVE them!
*Write a message on their napkin in their lunch box!
*Marketing companies are onto me! :) They've made it easier...many pre-packaged snacks and treats actually come packaged with a space to write a little love note to your special someone! :) To do this in a budget friendly way, package your own treat in a baggie and write the note on the baggie in Sharpie Marker!
*I have fond memories of my mom doing this during the years she was a stay at home mom - almost daily, my brother's and I came home from school to a home-baked treat she had baked for us while we were in school for our after school snack! Believe it or not, kids do understand the value that mom actually thought of them today and baked a special treat just for them. Working moms: you can do this too - bake ahead - it can be something very simple - the packaged cookie dough that you just spoon out on the cookie sheet and pop in the oven! Make a batch of those over the weekend and store them in a sealed container or freezer and have them out for the kids when they get home or even with you in a special bag for them when you pick them up from child care! Be creative! It's the thought that counts! :)
*The weather has been unseasonably beautiful. How about picking them up in the car pool line or off the bus, or from day care and putting everything on the "to do list" to the side for one day, and saying, "Let's go to the park!" Even if just for 20 minutes, it will send a huge message that they are important!
*I'm guilty of this one - meaning I don't do it enough - but when I do, it seems to make a huge statement - and it takes INTENTIONAL effort to actually set aside the housework, laundry, to do lists, etc., but how about intentionally carve out 15 - 30 minutes (most of us don't have hours and hours but ALL of us can carve out a 15 minute chunk in our busy days) to sit along side them and build a creation with Lego's, color together in a coloring book, even put on that child-like hat and play Barbies or Match Box cars together with them! They LOVE it!! And I have found, especially in my homeschooling years when I was teaching the older kids, that when I was faithful to just carve out 15 minutes with the little ones and do something like this, they were much more happy and content to keep themselves occupied when I needed to focus on the older one's math lessons!
Wives (or for my hubbie readers) :)
*Leave a note on the bathroom mirror where they will get ready for the day (Wives: write it in red hot lipstick on the mirror where he'll shave if you really want to light his fire)!!!! :)
*Call later in the afternoon for no specific reason (like the usual afternoon call when you've reached your wits end of, "You better do something with these kids when you get home!!!!") just to say, "I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know I love you!"
*Bring him/or her, their cup of coffee in bed in the morning as they rise. My hubbie has made this habit something for me to look forward to (as I am NOT a morning person), for years!! I have learned to make it fun for him too, by boosting his ego with a, "Is this that handsome delivery guy bringing my morning cup of Joe?!" :) Or, "Wow, what did I do to get so lucky to have a handsome guy like you hand deliver my coffee to me?!" Flirt with him! He needs you to be flirtatious with him!
*Use technology to your advantage, if possible (just use discretion on work phones and computers because nothing is technically private - but that just means you need to be more creative by using code terms that only you and he/she know how to interpret)! :) For example, send a quick email, Facebook private message, or text that just says, "Thinking of you and I love you!" Or how about this? This is for you wives! Our husbands are bombarded by the opposite sex and images all day long. Make sure that it's YOU he can't wait to get home to! He NEEDS you to let him know you miss him, desire him, need him, etc. How about a message giving him something to look forward to when he gets home?! (Ugh, this is awkward, my parents are my followers!! Oh, well, they need this info too and if I'm going to serve marriages, I need to get over comfort zones!) ! :) Ok, so just sayin...just an illustration....that I've heard through friends, yeah, that's it, my friends have told me that THEY do this!!! :) How about a text, message, or phone call (again, with discretion), just to say something like, "Should I turn the crock pot on??!!!" Ok, you all know I'm not talking about small kitchen appliances here, right??!! :) Ok, if you really have no idea what I'm talking about, private message me for insight, or keep reading my marriage posts (which I'll probably focus on alot this month - program alert - I even have a Marriage Mentor Guest Commentator lined up for you as an extra special treat this month)! Call it your Valentine's gift from me to you! :) Ladies, I guarantee, he will NOT work late and will NOT be able to get home fast enough! He'll even be more than eager to help you put the kids to bed early!! :)
For that matter, wives, we're busy, we're stretched on all sides, especially those of us taking care of small children all day, or those of us trying to balance work with the responsibilities of home and family life. Bottom line is, we're TUCKERED OUT!! Guys it's not that we don't desire those intimate moments with you! We're just tired!! So ladies, you pretty much know how many days can pass before your hubbie is gonna start rubbing your back when you just get all tucked in under the covers! :) That's a sure sign right there! The ole', "You could use a massage," trick up the sleeve! :) So if you know it's likely "the night," ahead of time, :) he's pretty predictable, plan ahead. Keep the schedule simple that day, don't be super woman, not today anyway, save some energy and roll a few things over to tomorrow's "to do" list. Take a power nap if you are so lucky and that serves you (makes me more tired) but I know it's really helpful to some. Plan ahead by putting the kids to bed on time so it's not a late hour by the time you settle down for a long winter's nap. Keep dinner simple if you need to that night! Trust me ladies! Your man would much rather have PB&J for dinner and a wife who still has energy left for him, than a 3 course fancy dinner any day, hands down! Save the impressive 5 star, fine dining meal for the following night if you must! :)
*Feed the kids separate one night so that you and your lovie can have a candle-lit dinner for 2 while the kids do an activity in the living room, allowing you to focus on each other and adult conversation, rather than focusing on cutting everyone's meat, cleaning up the spilled milk, and referring the food fight! :)
*Put the kids to bed early or even on time, in their OWN beds, and have dinner with your lovie by the fireplace or even just on a blanket in the middle of the living room or even in the master bedroom. Be creative! Just keep things fresh, exciting, and everything but mundane and routine! Our spouses do NOT need another business partner! They need the love of their lives to make them feel special and important!
Ok, on that note, I think I've given you a good head start! Guys, flowers and chocolates STILL do the trick for the ladies!! After all, we're from Venus - YOU are from Mars! We need the EMOTIONAL connection, (and since you can't hear my tone, I'm saying that in that whiny and needy sorta voice)! :) You know the one - the one that whines, "You never taaaaalk to me, you never tell me how you feeeeeel, you don't show me enough affeeeeeeection!" YOU need the PHYSICAL connection!! :) :) :) K - no excuses - go Walk In Victory in Marriage and Parenting!!! :) Oh geez, there's gonna be a baby boom at Cover Hill about 9 months from now!!!! :) :) :)
The specific illustration I used this morning in packing everyone's lunches (which in and of itself is an act of love and I would even go out on a limb here and say an act of worship as we pursue our God given roles of mom's (and dad's), wives (and hubbies) with joy and thankfulness that we have the privilege of taking care of these important people in our lives - YOUR jobs matter! And I just feel led to quickly address the stay at home mom right here - your job IS a career, it matters, it's valuable, it's your 1st calling on earth, the most important job on earth, the hardest, yet most rewarding job on earth, it's a privilege, an act of worship as we make our families and homes our utmost priorities in life, and the absolute highest calling existent!
Sorry, got a little side-tracked there, however, as some people play the piano or an instrument beautifully, never having taken a single lesson, and play by what they describe as "playing by the spirit," this keyboard is my instrument (even though I do play the clarinet - and with all the lessons and years of dedication in concert band, marching band, pep band, etc., when you utilize the "instrument" God gave you, something beautiful comes forth and can be used to minister, so I would definitely describe my writing, as an instrument, "typing by the spirit," often putting my fingers to the keyboard having no idea what I am suppose to type, but as the spirit leads, I obey and LOVE when I hear the testimonies of how God was using that to speak encouragement to specific people)! :)
But back to the "Sweet Treats and Little Things That Go A Long Way:"
Ok, so you know those little candy hearts with the little sayings on them you can buy this time of year in the Valentine Candy isle? I selected a handful of specific hearts with messages I wanted to convey, and threw those in my kid's lunch boxes this morning! I would have thrown a handful in my hubbies too if he brought his lunch today, but he's coming home for lunch instead!! So maybe I'll put some on his plate when I make his lunch!! :)
Here are some other ideas I have used and I promise, they are tried and true so go ahead, steal em' and be intentional this month to tell someone you LOVE them!
*Write a message on their napkin in their lunch box!
*Marketing companies are onto me! :) They've made it easier...many pre-packaged snacks and treats actually come packaged with a space to write a little love note to your special someone! :) To do this in a budget friendly way, package your own treat in a baggie and write the note on the baggie in Sharpie Marker!
*I have fond memories of my mom doing this during the years she was a stay at home mom - almost daily, my brother's and I came home from school to a home-baked treat she had baked for us while we were in school for our after school snack! Believe it or not, kids do understand the value that mom actually thought of them today and baked a special treat just for them. Working moms: you can do this too - bake ahead - it can be something very simple - the packaged cookie dough that you just spoon out on the cookie sheet and pop in the oven! Make a batch of those over the weekend and store them in a sealed container or freezer and have them out for the kids when they get home or even with you in a special bag for them when you pick them up from child care! Be creative! It's the thought that counts! :)
*The weather has been unseasonably beautiful. How about picking them up in the car pool line or off the bus, or from day care and putting everything on the "to do list" to the side for one day, and saying, "Let's go to the park!" Even if just for 20 minutes, it will send a huge message that they are important!
*I'm guilty of this one - meaning I don't do it enough - but when I do, it seems to make a huge statement - and it takes INTENTIONAL effort to actually set aside the housework, laundry, to do lists, etc., but how about intentionally carve out 15 - 30 minutes (most of us don't have hours and hours but ALL of us can carve out a 15 minute chunk in our busy days) to sit along side them and build a creation with Lego's, color together in a coloring book, even put on that child-like hat and play Barbies or Match Box cars together with them! They LOVE it!! And I have found, especially in my homeschooling years when I was teaching the older kids, that when I was faithful to just carve out 15 minutes with the little ones and do something like this, they were much more happy and content to keep themselves occupied when I needed to focus on the older one's math lessons!
Wives (or for my hubbie readers) :)
*Leave a note on the bathroom mirror where they will get ready for the day (Wives: write it in red hot lipstick on the mirror where he'll shave if you really want to light his fire)!!!! :)
*Call later in the afternoon for no specific reason (like the usual afternoon call when you've reached your wits end of, "You better do something with these kids when you get home!!!!") just to say, "I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know I love you!"
*Bring him/or her, their cup of coffee in bed in the morning as they rise. My hubbie has made this habit something for me to look forward to (as I am NOT a morning person), for years!! I have learned to make it fun for him too, by boosting his ego with a, "Is this that handsome delivery guy bringing my morning cup of Joe?!" :) Or, "Wow, what did I do to get so lucky to have a handsome guy like you hand deliver my coffee to me?!" Flirt with him! He needs you to be flirtatious with him!
*Use technology to your advantage, if possible (just use discretion on work phones and computers because nothing is technically private - but that just means you need to be more creative by using code terms that only you and he/she know how to interpret)! :) For example, send a quick email, Facebook private message, or text that just says, "Thinking of you and I love you!" Or how about this? This is for you wives! Our husbands are bombarded by the opposite sex and images all day long. Make sure that it's YOU he can't wait to get home to! He NEEDS you to let him know you miss him, desire him, need him, etc. How about a message giving him something to look forward to when he gets home?! (Ugh, this is awkward, my parents are my followers!! Oh, well, they need this info too and if I'm going to serve marriages, I need to get over comfort zones!) ! :) Ok, so just sayin...just an illustration....that I've heard through friends, yeah, that's it, my friends have told me that THEY do this!!! :) How about a text, message, or phone call (again, with discretion), just to say something like, "Should I turn the crock pot on??!!!" Ok, you all know I'm not talking about small kitchen appliances here, right??!! :) Ok, if you really have no idea what I'm talking about, private message me for insight, or keep reading my marriage posts (which I'll probably focus on alot this month - program alert - I even have a Marriage Mentor Guest Commentator lined up for you as an extra special treat this month)! Call it your Valentine's gift from me to you! :) Ladies, I guarantee, he will NOT work late and will NOT be able to get home fast enough! He'll even be more than eager to help you put the kids to bed early!! :)
For that matter, wives, we're busy, we're stretched on all sides, especially those of us taking care of small children all day, or those of us trying to balance work with the responsibilities of home and family life. Bottom line is, we're TUCKERED OUT!! Guys it's not that we don't desire those intimate moments with you! We're just tired!! So ladies, you pretty much know how many days can pass before your hubbie is gonna start rubbing your back when you just get all tucked in under the covers! :) That's a sure sign right there! The ole', "You could use a massage," trick up the sleeve! :) So if you know it's likely "the night," ahead of time, :) he's pretty predictable, plan ahead. Keep the schedule simple that day, don't be super woman, not today anyway, save some energy and roll a few things over to tomorrow's "to do" list. Take a power nap if you are so lucky and that serves you (makes me more tired) but I know it's really helpful to some. Plan ahead by putting the kids to bed on time so it's not a late hour by the time you settle down for a long winter's nap. Keep dinner simple if you need to that night! Trust me ladies! Your man would much rather have PB&J for dinner and a wife who still has energy left for him, than a 3 course fancy dinner any day, hands down! Save the impressive 5 star, fine dining meal for the following night if you must! :)
*Feed the kids separate one night so that you and your lovie can have a candle-lit dinner for 2 while the kids do an activity in the living room, allowing you to focus on each other and adult conversation, rather than focusing on cutting everyone's meat, cleaning up the spilled milk, and referring the food fight! :)
*Put the kids to bed early or even on time, in their OWN beds, and have dinner with your lovie by the fireplace or even just on a blanket in the middle of the living room or even in the master bedroom. Be creative! Just keep things fresh, exciting, and everything but mundane and routine! Our spouses do NOT need another business partner! They need the love of their lives to make them feel special and important!
Ok, on that note, I think I've given you a good head start! Guys, flowers and chocolates STILL do the trick for the ladies!! After all, we're from Venus - YOU are from Mars! We need the EMOTIONAL connection, (and since you can't hear my tone, I'm saying that in that whiny and needy sorta voice)! :) You know the one - the one that whines, "You never taaaaalk to me, you never tell me how you feeeeeel, you don't show me enough affeeeeeeection!" YOU need the PHYSICAL connection!! :) :) :) K - no excuses - go Walk In Victory in Marriage and Parenting!!! :) Oh geez, there's gonna be a baby boom at Cover Hill about 9 months from now!!!! :) :) :)
This is great! Love all your "Valentine" ideas. That ought to get the men moving!
ReplyDeleteLove you, Mom
Thanks mom! This was a tough one to blog about! Awkward! I pray someone's marriage is blessed by it though! Love you! :)